A study linking mental health and cancer cure


A US-Canadian research team has identified a direct link between mental health and cancer cure, according to the news.

The team, led by US Professor Zachary Klasin of the Georgia Cancer Center, drew on the results of a previous study by the European Urology Association of Barcelona, ​​which showed that suicide rates in patients with Prostate, kidney and bladder cancer were superior to those in the population. There is a link between the failure of cancer treatment and the poor mental state of the patient, according to the site "Medical Life Science".

The researchers studied 191,068 Canadian patients with urinary tract involvement, whether it was the bladder, kidney or prostate, and then divided the research samples by calculating how well they had received psychotherapy in addition to cancer treatment in the last 5 years: 57.1% did not receive psychiatric care, 6% received psychiatric care and 40% were hospitalized for psychiatric treatment.

They found that people with a history of psychiatric illness, hospitalized or treated in private clinics, were more likely to die of mental illness than cancer.

The study concluded the importance of starting psychotherapy at an early stage of cancer treatment, alongside chemotherapy, given the existence of scientific evidence linking high rates of suicide. and malignant diseases.

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