Al-Marsad Journal: The Musical Professions Union, led by Egyptian artist Hani Shaker, has issued an official decision to prevent Egyptian festival singer Omar Kamal from singing because of a music video he appeared in during the ‘a concert while he sang “Laf Kharj”.
A statement issued by the Musicians’ Union confirmed that Omar Kamal was investigated by the Union on Sunday, and a decision was taken to prevent him from singing for a week, based on the decision of the Board of Directors, headed by Hani Shaker.
The statement added that Omar Kamal admitted during the investigation that the “stranger” came from him at one of the parties, and indicated that it was a private party, but he This is from an old music video and he does not know the reason for its circulation now. The statement said Omar Kamal said the video was a year and a half old and re-released it in one of the villas in Mariouteya.
The statement stressed that the board of directors of the Musicians’ Union did not stop at this single decision, but also issued a firm warning to Omar Kamal, that in the event of a repetition of such an incident, the maximum penalty would be imposed on him, which amounts to a permanent suspension and cancellation of his singing license. The statement concluded that Omar Kamal signed a pledge not to repeat such an incident.
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