A symptom related to a heart attack that women do not know


World – Misc

The experience of a nurse who spread her horrific story and the symptoms she felt on Twitter was widespread.

The nurse said that she felt that 95% of the intestine was blocked, but that she was not suffering from chest pain. "I want to warn women," she says, "Our heart attacks are different, the pain has shifted off my back and shoulder and spread over my arm."He said.

She then added, "I was actually thinking that I was having muscular fatigue, until I started to sweat and vomit, until I called the D & D service. # 39; emergency."He said.

Fortunately, the nurse lived an hour after arriving at the emergency room.

The Department of National Health Centers and the British Heart Foundation have stated "BHF"This story is not unusual, as the symptoms experienced by women may differ from the usual chest pain, although this is common in men..

Professor Collins wrote on the website "BHF": "A heart attack may occur differently in women, perhaps as a back pain between the shoulders, or the patient may experience nausea and vomiting without feeling pain in the chest."He said.

Collins explained that the causes are complex, but that the production of estrogen may mean that women have a higher pain threshold..

Unfortunately, the condition of the woman may also be misdiagnosed after a heart attack. It is therefore important to study signs and symptoms such as chest pain, feeling of stress or stress, and pain in the body parts, such as the arms, jaw, back, back and stomach. Dizziness, sweating, nausea and shortness of breath.

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