A total eclipse in the Kingdom next Friday


  "Za" aq "predicts: total eclipse in the Kingdom next Friday
" Za "aq" predicts: total eclipse in the Kingdom next Friday

"Za" aq "predicts: a total eclipse in the Kingdom next Friday the news observatory quotes Al-Ahsa newspaper, Al-Za's expected a total eclipse in the kingdom next Friday.

News Observatory Playback: 1 minute

"Al-Ahsa Today" – Al-Ahsa

Touq A specialist in climate and weather issues, Dr. Khaled Al-Za'aq, will attend at a total loss of more than 100 minutes for the moon, which will be observed in the hemisphere at different levels. "The eclipse will be observed in the Kingdom and throughout the Gulf, on Friday evening July 27, and will begin at 9:24 pm and will end at 1:19 am, adding that there has been no delay. eclipse of this length for 83 years.

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The news observatory, 'Za' aq 'predicts: a total eclipse in the Kingdom next Friday, Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news constantly.

Source: Al-Ahsa Newspaper

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