A totally unexpected benefit of vitamin D. Does it prevent hair loss?


It seems that the benefits of vitamin D are endless, after studies proved its positive effects on preventing corona virus, a new study has emerged revealing an unexpected effect on preventing hair loss.

Medical research into hair loss, a problem that affects more than 80% of men and 50% of women over 50, has found positive effects of vitamin D. The study, published in “The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, “explained that” Vitamin D is closely involved in different signaling pathways for the growth and differentiation of hair follicles.

It affects the hair cycle

She also indicated that the vitamin affects the hair cycle.

According to Eat Isn’t It, medical professionals have begun to study vitamin D as a “potential treatment method for hair loss.”

hair loss

hair loss

According to the site, although the research team’s specific analysis did not provide evidence of a very close relationship between vitamin D deficiency and baldness, they point to a previous study that showed an association between low levels of vitamin D and “scar baldness”. It is a type of baldness that affects 3% of men and women with hair loss.

According to the researchers, one possible explanation for vitamin D’s role in preventing this type of hair loss lies in its support for skin rejuvenation, which may be a factor in scalp health.

Additionally, cosmetologist Dr. Rachel Cochran-Gathers explained, “Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin needed to maintain functionality and create hair follicles.”

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