A type of tea that “prevents” cancer, promotes heart health and slows down aging! • the Al-Marsad newspaper


Al-Marsad Journal: A medical report has found that rooibos tea helps reduce cancer risk, promotes heart health, weight loss, and increases longevity.

Rooibos tea
The health benefits of Rooibos tea include: supporting heart health, preventing cancer, managing and preventing diabetes, supporting healthy digestion and fighting infections, increasing bone strength and weight loss, slowing the aging process, treating high blood pressure, supporting skin health, fighting dandruff and supporting kidney health “Russia Today”.

Heart health
The Korean College of Medicine conducted a specialized study and found that “rooibos” tea has a positive effect on heart health, as it helps to maintain the balance of hormone levels and prevents the secretion of excessive hormones by adrenal gland, and this too helps prevent high blood pressure.

Rooibos tea contains nothofagin and aspalathin, which are potent chemical compounds known to calm inflammation in blood vessels and act as a vasodilator.

Cancer prevention
The tea is also said to help prevent cancer because it contains quercetin, a phytochemical that is given in capsule form to cancer patients.

Rooibos tea also contains essential minerals for building bones, including potassium, calcium, and magnesium – an integral part of healthy bones. It can also help reduce the potential for deterioration in brain function.

Rooibos tea promotes cell health and growth and fights free radicals, while repairing your DNA. It can help produce the antibodies that strengthen the immune system.

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