A weekly massage .. An effective alternative to the relief of arthritis pain


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Patients with knee arthritis are subjected to a weekly whole-body massage, which reduces joint pain and improves mobility, especially for those suffering from osteoporosis, according to a recent US study.
The study was conducted by researchers from the Duke University School of Medicine and published its findings in the latest issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
To monitor the effect of massage sessions on reducing joint pain, the team examined approximately 200 patients with knee arthritis.
The patients were divided into two groups: the first received a Swedish massage for one hour for eight hours, while the second group did not receive additional care or massage sessions other than the usual one.
Swedish massage is based on the principles of anatomy and physiology and includes slow and gentle movements or strong movements, as opposed to Asian massage based on the principle of energy in the body.
Eight weeks later, the first group continued to receive two Swedish massage sessions per month, while the second group did not receive additional care until the end of the 52-week study.
The researchers found that the first group had significantly improved pain and movements, following massage sessions, compared to the second group.
"The study shows that massage can become a safe and effective tool for reducing the effects of osteoporosis on the knee, at least in the short term," said Dr. Adam Perlman, head of the department. ;Research Team.
"Osteoporosis is the leading cause of disability and affects more than 30 million people in America.Although drugs are available, many patients have undesirable side effects, increasing the need for alternatives. safe, and the massage can be a These options "
"Massage therapy is one of the most popular interventions in complementary medicine, and the study provides further evidence that massage has a potential role, at least for people with osteoporosis," he said. declared Perlman.
Arthritis is usually associated with joint pain, swelling that impedes movement of the hands and feet, which greatly affects mobility and mobility.
Arthritis affects people of all age groups, but the elderly are the most affected by this disease characterized by pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints, and progressing to osteoporosis until they are affected. to that it reaches rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoporosis is the most common form of arthritis. It causes severe pain and swelling of the joints and cartilage. It manifests itself especially in the knees, hips, hands and spine.

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