A woman castrating her daughter after her murder


A woman castrating her daughter after her murder
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SOURCE: Sandra Maher – Erm News

An independent Russian journalist brutally punishes her daughter for failing to pay alimony, throwing and killing her and acting like a corpse.

The 49-year-old woman, who was not identified, admitted to stabbing 32-year-old Dmitry Bogdanov before throwing him, turning his penis into pieces and throwing it out the window.

According to the British newspaper "Mirror", the Russian authorities arrested the woman and her partner in the town of "Borovichi", and revealed that the victim drank alcohol with the author and his partner, when A dispute broke out between them.

According to certain reports, the dispute concerned the delay in the payment of his ex-wife and son, and things deteriorated until his former mother-in-law had prepared with a knife.

Police said that Ms. Dmitry had been stabbed 27 times and that before confessing with her partner, she had first tried to deny the charges and avoid the crime.

Despite the ugliness of the incident, it is not the only one of its kind in Russia.

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