Abha .. The municipality of al-Suda confiscates 198 kg of food products in less than a week


The municipality of al-Sudah confiscates 198 kg of non-edible food during the week "/>

The subsidiary of the municipality of Al-Souda in Abha confiscated last week more than 198 kg of food and vegetables And 30 commercial violations were recorded on several facilities during a surprise visit by monitors of to a number of street vendors and commercial establishments.

Mayor of Al-Sauda Al-Shihri Awad explained that the Department of Supervision With surprising field visits sellers

Al-Shihri said that during the campaign of Inspection, a number of commercial establishments were seized and a number of commercial establishments were seized. Due to the lack of sanitary conditions in these establishments, 30 offenses were found during the inspection campaign against a number of offenders.

He pointed out that the inspection teams of the sanitary control department continue their regular patrols throughout the week, and in two periods in all the sites and establishments where there are many vendors, especially on Public roads And parks in Al-Suda, next to areas where the crowds of visitors and tourists to the security of the markets, and ensure compliance with sanitary requirements in force, simultaneously warning of the practice of selling in the opposite way to fruits and vegetables on the sidewalks and in front of the parks

Al-Shihri confirmed that these efforts were in accordance with the guidelines and follow-up of the Secretary of the Asir Region, the engineer Abdullah Al-Muslah, and the monitoring and support of the branch supervisor at Asir Mahdi Abu Aziza's secretariat. The municipality of Al-Souda confiscates 198 kg of non-edible food for a week "/>

Abha .. The municipality of Al-Sudah confiscates 198 kg of invalid food during the week "/>


Municipality of Sous-Suda The city of Abha, last week, more than 198 kg of food and vegetables unfit for human use and 30 commercial crimes were recorded on several facilities, during surprise trips by health observers on several street vendors and commercial establishments in the woods. "Awad al-Shihri said that the Ministry of Supervision of the Health last week made a surprise visit of street vendors in the streets and public parks of Al-Suda and confiscated more than 198 kg of vegetables and fruits presented in an unhealthy and unhealthy way.

Al-Shihri said: During the campag no inspection, a number of commercial establishments were seized and legal measures were taken against them, as well as the closure of these establishments.

He pointed out that the inspection teams in the Ministry of Health Supervision Continue his visits For patrols all week and for two periods in all places and establishments where there are many sellers, especially in the streets and public parks of Al-Sudah, in places where there are a large number of visitors and visitors;

Al-Shihri confirmed that these efforts were in accordance with the guidelines and concern and follow-up of Secretary of Asir Region, Engineer Abdullah Al-Muslah, and the monitoring and support of the supervisor General Branch B

July 29, 2018 – 16 Dhu al-Qadah 1439

01:43 PM

Variety of vegetables and fruits .. 30 commercial establishments were violated

The mayor of the subsidiary al -Sawdah Awad al-Shihri explains that there were more than 198 kilograms of food and vegetables unsuitable for human use, while 30 commercial establishments registered commercial offenses in several establishments. , That the Ministry of Health Supervision led during the last week, surprising field trips to the

Al-Shehri said that during the inspection campaign, a number of commercial establishments were seized, and a number of commercial establishments were seized. In addition to the registration of 30 violations during the inspection campaign against a number of offenders, after being arrested for several reasons, including the low level of cleanliness, the lack of clothing. uniform, and the lack of wearing gloves and blankets He reports that the inspection teams of the Department of Health Supervision continue their patrols throughout the week and two periods in all the sites and facilities where he There are many vendors, public roads and parks in Al-Suda, as well as areas where the crowds of visitors and tourists to the security of the markets and ensure compliance with the sanitary requirements in force, warn at the same time of the selling fruits and vegetables on the sidewalks and in front of the parks In violation of the system

The monthly that these efforts came in accordance with the advice and attention and follow-up of the secretary of the 39, regional engineer Asir Abdullah Al-Muslah, and the monitoring and support of the general supervisor of the branches at the secretariat of the region Asir Mahdi Abu Aziza.
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