Actress Suzan Najmuddin in Egypt with "Vandam" and Mike Tyson. What are the relations with them with "Islam"?


The Syrian actress loyal to the regime's president, Bashar al-Assad, Suzanne Najmuddin, appeared in Egypt alongside famous Belgian actor "Vandam" and American boxer Mike Tyson.

In a film titled "The Campaign of the Pharaoh" produced by the Egyptian company Al-Sobki, Najm El-Din participates in the Egyptian film "Al-Sabki" and embodies the role of "Jalila".

She added "Najm al-Din": "She plays the role of a great lady from her village", explaining that the scenes were combined with "Tyson", "Vandam" and the Egyptian actor Amr Saad .

The media revealed that the film "Pharaoh's Campaign" with "Najmuddin" deals with topics related to the Islamic religion and shows that its true image is unblemished.

The film, which has not escaped the spotlight, has been widely criticized for its production of "Al-Subki", producer of notorious films, as well as for the presence of representatives little able to defend Islam, led by Suzanne Necmettin.

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