After a video surveillance of the strange behavior of his workers with children .. "Billy Pease": We separated them


She said in her statement: "We take all appropriate measures and actions on this incident and give it all our priorities

Billie Bees Entertainment replied to a video

The company issued a statement saying that on July 4, one of our security cameras detected a strange and unprofessional behavior of some of the workers who were under contract with some of the kids playing at a Billy Pease facility. "In Taif.

" We would like to inform Jamie "The local police have been alerted and taken appropriate measures, and we are taking all appropriate measures and measures on this incident and give it all our priorities."

All employees of institutions that are in direct contact with children are women

as a result of a video tracking the strange behavior of its workers with children. "Billy Pease": We separated them and we informed the police Taif

Billy Bees Entertainment replied, on a video that

The company issued a statement saying that on July 4, one of our security cameras found a strange and unprofessional behavior of some of the workers contracted to some of the children who "We wish to inform everyone that these people have been identified and dismissed, that the local police have been alerted and taken appropriate action, and we take all appropriate measures and measures for this incident and give it all our priorities. "

She went on, one All employees of institutions that are in direct contact with the children are women and there are no men among the employees of their institutions, pointing out that the management of the company at all levels directly follows this question.

Billy Pease Entertainment Company reacted to a widely circulated video in Saudi Arabia showing a strange and unprofessional behavior to company employees towards children in one of its branches in Taif.

The company issued a statement in which it said that on July 4, it was picked up "We would like to inform everyone that these people have been identified and fired, and that the local police have been alerted and taken appropriate measures, "she said. And we take all the appropriate measures and measures on this incident and give it all our priorities. "

All employees of institutions that are in direct contact with children are women and there are no men among their employees, This problem is dealt with directly [1965902] 2] window. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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