After having ridiculed on social media, because of his weight, Turkish star Fehri Afgan responded to his criticism via his official account on "Instagram" by saying, "Every mother and every woman is very beautiful."
The pioneers of networking sites broadcast images of "Fehriya" several months after the birth of her first child Burak Ozojevit, her husband, and made their appearance, Fehriya Afgan, through images, puffy face and weight which shocked her audience, especially because she was known for her grace and beauty.
Despite the heavy attack against Turkish actress Fehri Afgan, there is however a hashtag launched by Turkish commentators titled the beautiful Fehri. Turkish star Fehri Afgan was keen to respond and thanked those who launched it and said through Instagram Story: "Every mother and every woman is very beautiful."
The series began to ridicule actress Fehri Afgin after the pioneers of social networking sites presented an image of Fehri Afgin. Most of the comments were cynical about the new silhouette of the Turkish actress, who changed a lot compared to what she was before pregnancy and childbirth.
On the other hand, campaigns support the artist Fehriya Afgin, who encouraged her to dare to appear by nature, to express the situation of all mothers during this period and to express the scope suffering that the mother may experience during pregnancy and childbirth and beyond.
Many women saw that Afgain's fushia looked a lot like, their forms changed and took on more weight after their marriage and had children, prompting them to defend and even fight the harassment campaigns at their home. against.
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