After calling Hezbollah a terrorist, why does Britain ignore the Muslim Brotherhood?


Britain yesterday announced the ranking of the political wing of the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist organization, which raised many questions about Britain's action in that direction. At the same time, he did not take a similar decision on the Muslim Brotherhood, which proved his involvement in acts of terrorism, and despite the assurances given by the British circles on The group represents a danger to the British society .

Director of "European Studies of Terrorism": the group tool in the hands of the English to put pressure on the Arab governments, especially Egypt. And "London" fears terrorism when it was banned

"Britain has a long-standing relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood," Jassem Mohammed, head of the European Center for Intelligence and Terrorism Studies in Germany, told Al Watan by telephone. Handmade paper ".

He added that the countries of Europe and Great Britain did not place the Brotherhood on the list of terrorism for the first reason: The Brotherhood is a documentary pressure on the Arab governments, especially in Egypt and the second reason is that European countries, especially Britain, fear that the status of the Brotherhood on the terrorist list may react. The group must carry out covert terrorist operations against British interests both inside and outside Great Britain, which means that the British and Europeans are afraid to put the Brotherhood on the list of terrorism, he said.

"The internal situation in Britain, the political situation in the aftermath of the bricast, and the terrorist threats in Britain and Europe are causing these countries to fear a new terrorist decade that is going through the group, and the Brotherhood remains an instrument for the realization or the realization of certain British interests,.

For its part, the expert and political analyst, Mr. Hassan AbuTalib, said in a phone call to "homeland", that "the British view is that the situation is different between the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah Great Britain believes that the Brotherhood is classified as a group of a political nature, which is not the case from the British point of view, proves conclusively that the Brotherhood has not been involved in terrorist acts and Britain therefore takes into account the existence of this group within the UK. "

"Britain also takes into account the historical role of Britain in the emergence of the group in 1928. A British government committee concluded that this group posed a threat to the British regime and the British secular regime. , and oversaw a large number of schools and educational activities in Britain and that this affects the state. "

"Unfortunately, a few simple steps have been taken that do not go beyond the event on the seriousness of this group's performance on the British issue, and as a result, there is discrimination in dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah. "

A political analyst: "The Muslim Brotherhood" considers Britain a "condominium". And the adviser "Al-Ahram": the tool of the group in the hands of the British intelligence services

Abu Taleb explained that this distinction is due to what he called "the deep state" in Britain and the British intelligence services, which consider the group to be one of the tools to realize British interests, and that the formation of a complement to British interests can be used here and there.

The political expert added that these considerations add to the fact that the existence of the group in the structure of government in the Arab countries requires that the Brotherhood remains under study, but not to a level comparable to a terrorist group.

"This is not primarily related to the strength of the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain, but to the fact that as long as the group plays an intelligence role for Britain, this is also taken into account," he said. Abu Talib.

Khalid Mustafa, a political analyst, told al-Watan by telephone that Britain's inability to qualify the Brotherhood as a terrorist group was due to the fact that the Brotherhood viewed Britain as the "co-ownership" of the group. group and the eternal relationship between Britain and the Muslim Brotherhood. "London" exploits the global organization of the Muslim Brotherhood and its presence in more than one country as tools of pressure on these countries.

"The second thing is that Britain can not classify the Brotherhood at this stage because it is plagued by a catastrophic exit from the European Union." One of the issues that worries Britain is the security issue of the separation of Britain and the Europol region.British police issued a warning, Security and, where appropriate, without separation between Scotland Yard and the Europol police. "

"Third, there are 32,000 uncompromising Britons in Britain, most of whom live in terrorist capitals or in the cities of Leicester and Birmingham, the most dangerous cities, with the elements that plan and provoke attacks. terrorists in Britain. "

Mustafa said: "One of the lawmakers has been invited to Parliament to legislate to restrict and expel them from the country, but they unfortunately have British nationality, and the other is that Britain is concerned that There are about 800 British elements remaining from the war against Syria and have joined the Daas and his support.

"All the hard elements living in Britain have come out of the belly of this terrorist group, a British security that is not currently qualified to make a decision, but the events of the Arab-European summit have been the real point of departure for a new map of the global control of terrorism. " Especially for Egypt, this is the first time that Europeans have resorted to us on our terms or at least a mutual need of the same value. "

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