After his arrest for a week, David's artery program is back (video)


After his arrest for a week, David's artery program is back (video)

Source: Editorial team

The official program of the Saudi media program, Dawood Al-Shorian, confirmed that the program, suspended for a week, would come back and continue to present its episodes via the SBC channel.

The program page on Twitter: "With the confidence due to the results of the test, the Saudi women demonstrate their abilities in various fields and disciplines.We are waiting for you tonight."

The page also contained a short video showing excerpts from the new episode "Empowering Women with Daoud", which coincides with International Women's Day.

SBC has suspended the controversial news program Dawood Al-Shorian, but it is not clear whether the decision will include only the episode of the day, or the announcement of the day. permanent interruption of the issue.

The program tackled several local problems in which the Saudis are divided, before they are surprised to stop the series a week ago.

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