After the death of Michel Hajjal and Farouk Fishawi .. Doctor of famous media: Unfortunately, you have cancer!


Egyptian media outlet Basma Wehbe told his Instagram followers the details of his fight against cancer and its elimination in a message saying:

"I am always silent and I do not want to talk, but the truth after the separation of the late Farouk al-Fishawi and the separation of the beautiful young Michel Hijel, the former Miss Lebanon's maid of honor in the same week, and other stories that have increased his involvement in the recent period about people we have attached to them, but the disease has kidnapped them, Let some voices express their loss of hope after the series of D. shocks

"Some people know that I have cancer.Today, I decided to tell you the most important corner of history, a story of hope," he said. she said. "Unfortunately, cancer, Basma."

"I went out without a wig, I'm going to close my classmates and say no," she said.

"With every moment of hope, I was at the door of hope, in the laughter of my child, in the nuts of my family, in the lap of my family," said Basma Wahba .

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