He wrote:
Monday, February 11, 2019
11:01 p.m.
Ahmed Al-Rashed, chairman of the technical committee of the Saudi Football Federation, said the decision not to continue Juan Antonio Pietzi as technical director of the first team had come from a thorough study.
The Saudi Football Federation thanked Petzi for his role in leading the technical direction of the green, highlighting the existence of a technical committee charged with choosing the most appropriate coach for the next stage.
Al-Rashed explained that the committee had carried out a technical analysis of the entire state of Baitzi with the Saudi team, adding that "the negative aspects were more than the positive aspects, we so we decided not to renew the experience with him ".
"The negative report was close to 23 pages, including repeated defense errors as well as the negative takeover."
Al-Rashed pointed out that the technical committee included experienced names and that he had been able to evaluate Betzezi's performance recently.
"The technical committee is aimed primarily at having a clear plan over the next five years for the various Sunni groups of the Saudi team."
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