After the declaration of Rania Youssef .. What happens to your body when you are dealing with a … Masrawy


1:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 02, 2019

I wrote – Mena Nafi

Rania Youssef revealed her daily routine during the show "More Information About Romania", which was filmed at her home, showing her YouTube channel and her social network accounts.

Rania said she prefers to get up early to feel full of energy. She wakes up at 8:30, makes sure to eat pomegranate and almonds, and then takes a cup of Nescafe every day.

Masrawy Lifestyle was keen to offer some of the benefits of discus and almonds such as they were taken on an empty stomach, according to the website "Healthy" in the following terms:

1. Cancer prevention:

Because it contains phenol, which acts as an antioxidant, rids the body of the roots that attack and destroys the cells and causes the formation of cancer cells such as colon cancer and protection against the risk d & # 39; osteoporosis.

2 – Protection against the risk of osteoporosis:

Many studies have shown that eight to ten nectar tablets a day, which protect women after menopause and osteoporosis, clearly contribute to the increase in bone density.

3. Prevention of heart disease:

One of the benefits of cockroaches is that they protect against heart disease, atherosclerosis and rheumatism, as they enhance the body's immunity because they contain large amounts of vitamins C and C and natural fibers.

Treatment of anemia:

These high levels of vitamin C and C help to increase iron absorption rates and improve anemia.

5 – control blood sugar and maintain weight:

Because it contains a high proportion of fiber that delays the release of food from the stomach, thereby delaying the process of absorption of blood sugar and increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin secretion, which can protect or even treat type II diabetes, a feeling of fullness that reduces the diet and thus maintains body weight.

6. Prevention of constipation:

Containing discs of a large amount of fiber that accelerate the release of waste out of the body and nourishes the natural bacteria of the intestine, thereby protecting the intestines from the risk of cancer, and thus playing an important role in the nutrition of the liver and muscles.

– Regarding the many benefits of almonds, especially when they are taken on an empty stomach, they contain:

1 – Unsaturated fatty acids help reduce cholesterol.

2 – rich in magnesium, calcium, vitamin E and potassium, helps to lower blood pressure and strengthen bones, and helps to control the sugar level in the body and burn fat.

3 – improves the health of the skin and even the mood.

4. It is advisable for cancer patients to include almonds in their diet because they contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids and phytochemicals that may be present in the diet. prevent the spread of cancer in the body.

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