Ahmed Schubert joins On Sport. Negotiations 6 months and a 3-year contract


  Art News: Ahmed Schubert joins the sport .. Six-month negotiation and three-year contract
Art News: Ahmed Schubert joins the sport. Negotiation of six months and three-year contract

Ahmed Shouber joins On Sport. Negotiations 6 months and 3 years of contract, where we strive to be in good monitoring of our site, Ahmed Schubert joined On Sport. Negotiations 6 months and a 3 year contract, Dear visitor, The economic site is a comprehensive information site that includes the latest developments in the Arab and international arena, Art News: Ahmed Schubert joins On Sport. Negotiations 6 months and a 3-year contract, where Nko Ahmed Shubair joins On Sport. Negotiations 6 months and a contract of 3 years, to be posted on our site, Ahmed Schubert joins On Sport. Negotiations 6 months and a contract for 3

17 لاثاء 17 Jul 2018 05:45 مساء Captain Economist Ahmed Schubert signed a contract with On Channel for 3 years to offer a program on On Sport.

The Egyptian Media Company revealed Tuesday, June 17, the agreement with Captain Ahmed Schubert to be an addition to the Stars of On Sport.

Tamer Morsi O The Egyptian media department, owner of On TV, said that the sports media Ahmed Shubair is an addition and a continuation of the success of On Sport, and to maintain an outstanding performance was signed after six months of negotiations, according to a media release.

Thank you Ali Hassan Follow us, Art News: Ahmed Schubert joins On Sport .. Negotiations 6 months and a 3 year contract, let's not forget the admiration of the pages of social networking sites for the site, to receive the latest political, economic, sports and technical news of the economic site, Ahmed Schubert joined On Sport. Negotiations 6 months and a 3 year contract 659005] Source: In the art

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