"Ahmed" trained 53 employees to effectively treat sign language


On the basis of the institution's strategy of providing distinguished services to participants

the General Retirement Corporation organized a training course titled "Ability to deal with clients using sign language", including 53 employees and employees of various branches of the Foundation; Provide excellent services to participants and retirees and the development of human capital.

The course aims to train branch staff to deal effectively with deaf clients in the deaf category to enable the completion of tasks and the completion of transactions.

In addition to non-verbal communication training, the course included a number of topics that help trainees educate the community about the characteristics and characteristics of the deaf and hard of hearing, on the one hand, and the knowledge of the requirements of the community. audited clients of the institution.

"Retirement" trains 53 employees to effectively deal in sign language


The General Retirement Corporation organized a training entitled "Skills to deal with customers using sign language ", which included" 53 "employees

The course aims to train branch staff to deal effectively with Deaf clients in the category of deaf people to enable them to Perform tasks, conclude transactions and provide services. They also agreed with the Saudi Association of Sign Language Interpreters to evaluate the results of this course in order to allow for the completeness of all needs.

The course, as well as training in nonverbal communication, included several topics helping trainees to raise awareness (19659013) 18:00

Based on the institution's strategy of providing distinguished services to subscribers [19659015] The Public Pension Agency organized a training called "Customer Skills using Sign Language", which brought together 53 employees and employees from different branches of society, to provide distinguished services to subscribers and retirees and to develop human capital. 19659003] The course aims to train the staff of the branch to deal effectively with Deaf clients in the Deaf category to facilitate the completion of tasks, the completion of transactions and better service L & # 39; Saudi Association of Sign Language Interpreters has agreed to evaluate the results of this course so that they can be treated comprehensively. On nonverbal communication skills, several topics that help trainees to raise awareness about the characteristics of the community and the characteristics of the deaf and hard of hearing, on the one hand, and the knowledge of the requirements of clients reviewing the institution of this category dear in the Kingdom.
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