Al-Ahli leads a friendly two-goal lead over Mattersburg Austria


  Al-Ahly outclasses Wadia 2-1 over Austrian Matersberg
Al Ahly beats friendly with two goals for a goal on the Austrian Matersberg

Al Ahly surpasses the friendly with two goals on the Austrian Mattersburg. Social communication to bring you all events moment by moment, because we care about the latest news "Arab and International", as we also care about the latest Arab questions Ahli friendly friendly with two goals on the Austrian Matersberg, Al Ahly friendly two Friendly goals to a goal on Austrian Matersberg and on the other hand (19659004)

Sport Saudi Arabia

We would like to have the admiration of all and wish to impress the team to receive all the news and share news on social networking sites, Al Ahly is a friendly result with two goals on the Austrian Matersberg. Al Ahly of Saudi Arabia has imposed 2-1 against Austrian Matesburg on Friday morning in the Austrian club camp in preparation for the new season.
Ahli Al-Ahly, Noah Al-Mousa scored 12 points and Salman scored 43rd, The Austrian club scored in the 69th minute.
The match saw the absence of more than the famous player of Al Ahli, due to

Source: 364282

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