Al – Journal of Riyad President of Al Hilal: Three days have passed and we have not received any "reasons" from the Discipline Committee to reject our protest


President of Al Hilal: Three days have passed and we have not received "reasons" from the Discipline Committee to reject our protest

The chairman of the Al Hilal club, Prince Mohammed bin Faisal, said he was surprised that the club management did not receive the reasons for his opposition to the Discipline and Ethics Committee regarding the participation of the player of the Al Qarni team, Mohamed Al Qarni.

"Three days ago, we repeatedly asked the Discipline Committee (the reasons) to reject our protest in order to appeal the decision." Up to now, we have not received the reasons ", wrote Prince Mohammed in a tweet via his official account on Twitter.

"I do not know what they are waiting to send, which is supposed to be ready at the time of the decision," he said.

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