Al-Maalami: The Kingdom has warned the international community against the excesses of Iranian boats


The United Kingdom's ambassador to the United Nations, Abdullah al-Maalami, said that the Iranian regime plays a terrorist role no different from the role of armed gangs. He added in an interview to the news channel, that the Iranian excesses will not be accepted, highlighting the necessary action. "The Kingdom protests against the excesses of Iranian boats and calls on the international community to remain silent about these practices."

The Kingdom has filed a protest memorandum against the repeated abuses and abuses of Iranian boats and boats in Saudi Arabian waters in the Arabian Gulf, that "the Iranian excesses constitute a provocation to the Kingdom and a challenge to its sovereignty and we will not accept it. "

The Iranian regime blamed for any damage that may result from the excesses of these boats. He stressed that the Saudi authorities and the Saudi naval forces have taken the necessary measures to repel such abuses, but we warn the United Nations and the international community that the continuation of such practices may have negative effects and consequences in the future. region. "We are directing this warning to Iran, and this alert to the international community for the need to work to stop such practices."

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