Al – Riyadh Journal "Education": The exclusion of candidates for the transfer of the administration to education was due to the non – compliance of one of the conditions


The Ministry of Education explained that the exclusion of candidates for the transfer of administrative staff to education was made because none of the conditions and controls set by the Ministry .

Ministry spokesman Mubarak al-Osaimi said in tweets Wednesday night: With regard to requests for transfer of administrative staff to pedagogical reasons for non-appointment and transparency, the Ministry explains that the Ministry of Education has not been able to exclusion was due to non-compliance with one of the following eligibility criteria: – failure in the test of competence (teachers) Teachers) Qualified and stage – Applicant in the fifth rank and under – Do not absorb the first priority holders who are qualified on a regular basis – No need for the teacher's will or be preceded by – Lack of appropriate qualification for disciplines Education – Non-application of controls to perform duties Educational – In the system during the presentation and matching – the lack of compliance of documents to the data recorded by the applicant.

Osaimi added: "The ministry hopes that all applicants will print the required forms and deliver them to the nearest Department of Education by Thursday, 1439/11/6 [19659002] and concluded his remarks: "Anyone who has a question about it can send it via a communication system and will be interested in studying and monitoring and will respond to it."

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