Al – Riyadh Journal "Hail Business" Reaches the top position in customer service at Kingdom level


For the second consecutive month

The Labor Office at Hail reached the first rank in services rendered to clients for the month of June 2018 at the level of the first and main offices of work in all regions of the Kingdom, with the support and the follow-up of His Royal Highness

The Director General of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development in Hail Freih Bin Mohammed Al Ayyad appreciated the efforts of workers and workers for the outstanding work represented by Fawaz Al-Ghubishi , director of the hail work bureau. He stated that he hoped to achieve excellence at all levels of the branches and departments of the Ministry in the Hail region, in accordance with the guidance and support of His Highness the Emir of Hail, SAR Prince Abdulaziz. The Minister of Labor and Social Development, Mr. Ahmed Al-Rajhi

The director of the labor office at Hail Fawaz Al-Ghubishi described the realization of this achievement at the level of the Kingdom's regions, confirming the work and performance Labor Office in the region. A Ministry of Labor and Social Development supports and monitors the progress of work and production that reaches the convenience and aspirations of clients and reviewers.

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