Al – Riyadh Journal Kill committees to beat a girl to death


The Ministry of the Interior issued a statement yesterday on the execution of the death penalty to honor one of the perpetrators in Medina, as follows:

God said: O you who believe, wrote the punishment in the dead)

The eldest Madin bin Humaid bin Abdullah Al-Qafari, a Saudi national, was killed while hitting his daughter, resulting in his death.

Thank God, the security authorities arrested the offender The investigation culminated in his indictment

The execution order was executed by the court of appeal and by the Supreme Court, and a royal order was made to enforce what was legitimately decided and substantiated by his reference to the offender. Madinah bin Humaid bin Abdullah Al-Qafari – Saudi Nationality – Sunday 1439/10 / 24H in Madinah

The Ministry of the Interior announces this to ensure the full attention of the Government of the Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques, Anyone who attacks the vault and throws his blood and warns in time the same all tempted to embark on such a legitimate punishment that would be condemned. And God is the guide of the way.

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