Al – Riyadh Journal Shouriya calls for allowing adult women to travel without their guardian's permission


Security Commission: The Interior is not the competent authority. Passports apply the decisions of the Court of No Objection to Travel


The Shura Council Security Committee rejected a recommendation that the Ministry of the Interior allow adult women to travel without their guardian's permission in coordination with the relevant authorities. Introduction Iqbal Dardari last week to withdraw in response to the report of the Ministry of the Interior supposed to vote after the leave of Eid al-Adha, justified by an audit under the Supreme Order, which has confirmed all government agencies not to require the guardian's consent. The committee pointed out that any letter issued to passports issued by the court provides for no-objection to women's travel or the extraction and renewal of women's passports.

Dardari in Riyadh: The principles of Shari'a are based on the complete empowerment of women and their minor non-treatment

The rationale of the committee is not convincing and restricting the women's movements with the permission of the guardian is contrary to the provisions of the law. The status of In the judgment of …

According to the interview Dardari "Riyadh" refused to leave the resolution and the word separation to vote under the dome of the Shura and said that the reasons for the Committee are unconvincing and await the vote of Council members The displacement of women with the tutor's permission contradicts the principles of Islamic law based on gender equality and justice and the full empowerment of women, the non-imposition of guardianship or treatment as a minor or the application of any form of discrimination. The basic rule of government, which has not escaped Article 36 of the law states that "the acts of a person may be restricted, detained or imprisoned only under the provisions of the law ". The restriction of his trip with the permission of the guardian is illegal and not based on a system, The second paragraph of Article 6 states that "travel may be prohibited only by judicial decision or by decision of the Minister of the Interior for specific security reasons and for a period of information. "

On which the restriction of women's travel is based on the guardian's authorization is article 28 of the W Regulations. The travel document states that "the journey of Saudi citizens abroad is in accordance with the applicable instructions ", which, according to the Member, is general and unspecified and may have different interpretations, and can not be relied on on the Passport Branch website.

Dardari added that the Kingdom is facing an international human rights attack because of this issue, especially since it has ratified the Convention on Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) "And that the practice of this condition is universally interpreted as the discrimination and marginalization of women even if they are high-ranking officials.

With regard to the justification of the restriction of travel of women with the consent of the guardian, the cancellation of the guardian's authorization does not necessarily mean that there is no mahram when traveling, because permission to travel or not is not necessarily related to the guardian's trip with the woman or to her permission, A woman can accompany any mahram if she wishes and not necessarily [19659007] The Shura member confirmed that some nt restrict women's travel with the tutor's permission to prevent the escape of girls out of the Kingdom, and that the issue of mahram's obligation is controversial in the fiqh, but it's not creating other problems or depriving women of their rights that the vast majority of Saudi women and girls are characterized by good literature, ethics, and commitment to the interior and the world. outside the Kingdom. This is not

According to Drandari, women are responsible and contribute significantly to the family financially and morally, and there is a relationship between women and men,

It should be noted that the Shura Council Committee has supported the opportunity to study the issue of women's rights and women's rights. Offense Proposal The travel document system confirms the need to modify the system to solve the problems faced by women when traveling, whether they are married or unmarried, as well as the possibility of to solve the problems faced by women when they need a passport. Hamda Al-Enezi and Haya Al-Manea, members of Atta Al-Sabaiti, Latifa Al-Shaalan and Mohammad Al-Khunizi, have proposed a number of goals, including And the harmonization of regulations and Kingdom regulations on the acquisition of citizenship on national documents and the reduction of the current gap between the articles of the travel document system and the reality of their application by the General Directorate of Passports.

The trip, delayed by the presentation of the Council despite the completion of its study, clearly condemned the right of every citizen to obtain a separate passport when he has his own conditions without discrimination and to lift the damage that may result from the access of Saudi women to the passport in case of dispute

The deputies affirm in the justification of their bill that the access of women to passports does not necessarily mean to travel outside the Kingdom, but rather be a national document of citizenship. The right to issue it as it is guaranteed by the system of Saudi nationality, in addition to the incompatibility of the current document system with international standards for the issuance of passports, resulting in a difference between the materials and the implementation mechanism. Mohammed Al-Khunezi

d. Hamda Al Enezi

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