Al – Riyadh Journal The emirate of Jazan: puts the spotlight on the prevention of weapons and firing at events


The Emirate of Jazan emphasized the need to prohibit the use of firearms at weddings and those who violate these regulations are exposed to sanctions that may result in imprisonment and a fine

. To the directives of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Nasser bin Abdulaziz, Governor of the Jazan Region, to all governorates and centers and parties concerned to ensure the sheiks and puppets, informing citizens that such behavior is an offense punishable by the system. The firearms in the events in the region are limited and do not reach the level of the phenomenon and those who violate the official instructions expose to the responsibility and apply the system of weapons and ammunition issued by Royal Decree No 45 of 25/7/1426 and subsequent amendments to Articles. 19659002] Jibaili concluded his statement, pointing out the owners of the wedding palaces to point out any occasion or ceremony in which the shooting of the application of the regulations and instructions on the culprit

This follows several incidents of gunfire during events and weddings, resulting in several dead and wounded, Bih Which led to deaths and injuries among the parents of the bride.

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