Al Wehda is close to Hamed Zamalek


Zamalek club president Mortada Mansour said his club had received an official offer from the Al-Wehda club to borrow international playmaker Tareq Hamed for a million dollar season.

Meanwhile, Zamalek's president, Morteza Mansour, said his club would not let the Congolese attacker Kasongo Kabongo sell or lend to the needs of the "white" team. To his efforts next season, as he prepares (19659003), while the "White Castle" suffered from confusion after the decision of the International Federation (FIFA) to pay 25 thousand Swiss francs, granting them 60 days before starting to punish the club by deducting six points in the league Zamalek defender Mohamed El-Ghanem denied the rumors about the federation's negotiations with the Swedish coach Joran Eriksson to resume training. The Pharaohs team took over from Cooper, pointing out that Eriksson is 70 years old and far away [ad_2]
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