All you need to know about stroke … it's Masaru


2:00 p.m.

Saturday, March 02, 2019

I wrote – Mena Nafi

Recently, diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, stroke, heart and blood vessels have spread, due to misguided nutrition, smoking and lack of exercise, which protect the organs of the body.

According to an annual report, nearly 100,000 people in the United States are dying as a result of a stroke, one of the most commonly diagnosed and treated deaths in the United States.

Masrawy Life Style brings you information about strokes and how to avoid exposure, according to the British newspaper, in the following terms:

What is a cerebrovascular accident?

In the United States, the Stroke Society is a "brain attack," which prevents blood from entering the brain, preventing key nutrients and oxygen from reaching the brain, causing serious damage to the brain. cells, which testifies to the person's inability. To talk and think, these are the first symptoms.

Are there different types of stroke?

1 – Ischemic stroke, the most common, causes blockage of the artery that pumps blood to the brain and thus causes the formation of a blood clot.

2 – Blood clots usually occur in the area where the arteries are narrow and do not allow the passage of blood in normal form, due to the deposition of fat, and are called atherosclerosis process.

3. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when bleeding into the brain or a so-called rupture of blood vessels kills surrounding brain cells.

4 – According to the British Heart Foundation, a new type of stroke, the least dangerous, was caused by a reduction of blood supply to the part of the brain resulting in brain damage. Consult your doctor immediately so that he continues the fight before 24 hours.

What causes a stroke?

With regard to ischemic accidents, caused by narrowing of the arteries, smoking, obesity, diabetes, excessive consumption of alcohol and high cholesterol are major causes.

As the narrowing of the arteries is normal in the body as the tooth progresses, aged bacon being more prone to stroke, it is better to follow a healthy diet to avoid being affected by a stroke. at an advanced age.

The main causes of cancer clots are less common: stress, lack of exercise, obesity and smoking.

– How to discover your stroke:

The symptoms of stroke depend on the nature of the body and the type of stroke, but some key indicators usually appear:

1 – face, the appearance of paralysis on half of the face, such as the inability to smile, or open mouth, and close the eyes.

2 – Inability to move arms and feet.

3 – inability to speak and out words naturally.

– What happens after someone has had a stroke?

The cure for a stroke varies depending on the extent of brain damage.

After a stroke, the cognitive functions of the person (communication, spatial perception, memory and concentration) can be seriously compromised. In this case, a rehabilitation plan will be developed by the physician to help the person recover fully.

Stroke can also cause weakness in the body and in some cases paralysis can be treated by doing certain exercises prescribed by a physiotherapist.

Strokes can also affect vision, bladder problems, difficulty swallowing and some mental problems such as depression, anxiety and stress.

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