All you need to know about the problem of falling sugar in the body


Hypoglycemia is hypoglycemia or low blood sugar and may indicate a health problem In this report, Voice of the Nation monitors the causes and symptoms of hypoglycemia, according to news from Medical News.

Causes of hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar is low. According to the American Diabetes, Gastroenterology and Kidney Institute, symptoms of hypoglycemia usually occur when blood glucose is below 70 milligrams per deciliter and can occur for several different reasons , More particularly:

– Control of blood glucose

The digestive system breaks down food carbohydrates and the molecules created by glucose, the main source of energy in your body, where glucose enters the bloodstream after eating. However, glucose requires insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, which means that even if there is too much glucose, the cell will need energy even when it does not. There is no insulin.

After eating, the pancreas automatically releases the right amount of insulin to carry blood glucose into the cells. When glucose gets into the cells, the blood glucose goes down.

Any excess glucose found in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen or stored glucose, the body can use this glucose later when it needs more energy.

Insulin is responsible for restoring blood sugar.

If glucose levels are reduced because the individual has not eaten for a while, the pancreas secretes glycogen – another hormone – leading to the breakdown of glycogen stored in glucose.

The body then releases glycogen into the blood, which restores glucose levels.

Causes of sugar drop

– Hypoglycemia and diabetes

Type I and II diabetes both have an insulin problem.

Type I Diabetes: Damage to cells that produce insulin usually means that the body can not produce insulin, which causes the fall of sugar.

Type 2 diabetes: body cells do not respond properly to insulin or pancreas may not release enough insulin.

In both types of diabetes, the cells do not get enough energy.

People with type 1 diabetes and some type 2 people need to take insulin or other medicines to lower their blood sugar level.

If the dose is too high, the blood sugar level may drop, causing hypoglycaemia.

Hypoglycemia can also occur if a person does more exercise than usual or does not eat enough.

The person does not need to increase his dose to have a lot of insulin in the body, it may be insulin that she has eaten more than the body needs at that time.

Insulin and other drugs can cause hypoglycemia.

– Autoimmune disease of insulin

Another possible cause of hypoglycemia is autoimmune insulin syndrome, a rare condition that occurs when the body's immune system attacks insulin and makes mistakes in consuming unwanted substances.

Causes of hypoglycemia

Other causes of diabetes

– Some medications: such as rheumatism or hypertension.

– Alcohol consumption: Excessive consumption of alcohol can prevent the liver from releasing glucose stored in the blood.

– Certain diseases of the liver: Hepatitis caused by drugs can cause hypoglycemia because it affects the liver.

– Kidney Disorders: People with kidney problems may have problems that can lead to hypoglycaemia.

– In case of lack of food, people with eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, may suffer from a drastic reduction in blood sugar.

– Fasting or loss of a meal can lead to hypoglycemia

– Increased activity: Increased physical activity can lower blood sugar for a period of time.

Endocrine problems: Some adrenal and pituitary disorders may cause hypoglycaemia.

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