Amal Al Awadhi video reveals its richness and tradition of Haifa Wehbe!


Amal Al-Awad was one of the guests of the program "Hamad Shaw", which was broadcast on the screen of the Kuwaiti Rai, where she candidly answered questions from the audience and the team from the program, especially about its wealth.

What is the wealth of Amal Al-Awadhi?

The audience of the show during the episode, I think the Kuwaiti star I hope Al-Awadi It has a wealth of up to 1 million dinars, more than 3 million dollars and 380,000 US dollars. I hope Al-Awadi She tried to deny that her fortune had reached that amount, asserting that her problem was that she was wasting and spending a lot.

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Amal Al-Awadi trying to imitate Haifa Wehbe?

On the other side hooked Hope al-Awad On several photos appeared in the style Bastilleat and close to the Lebanese star Haifa Wehbe, Stating that they never try to emulate filming sessions Haifa WehbeTo deny that you saw Haifa Wehbe's pictures before being subjected to these sessions and a sign that she was completely surprised.

She said I hope Al-Awadi Haifa Wehbe is a big star and an icon of fashion and elegance, but does not aspire to emulate it, and attributes it to the similarity of dress style in general among celebrities, noting that the ideas of the fashion and, therefore, some believe that there is repetition or similarity.

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