Apple finally unveiled the iPhone 13, as a tech giant, with the aim of reducing the use of plastic, removed the plastic casing from the cases of the iPhone 13, and instead of the plastic, the casing iPhone 13 now comes with a full-length paper label. of the box, from end to bottom, affixed upright with an adhesive. To open it, a tear-off tape was provided, and this was revealed in a tweet from Apple’s DuanRui. To check if the iPhone 13 unit you purchased has not been removed or tampered with, just look at the trim tape,
If it is intact, without any tears, it means that the device is in good condition, straight off the assembly line. Unless you open the box, the lid will not open. With this box design change, Apple claims it will help avoid 600 tonnes of plastic. Additionally, Apple claims that the new iPhone 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max use “100% recycled rare earth elements in magnets like those used in MagSafe and 100% recycled tin.” And, for the first time times, by soldering the battery management unit “to reduce its harmful impact on the environment, the company aims to become completely carbon neutral by 2030”.
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