This Apple theme is about to push the TV Plus app for Roku and Fire devices among the other devices featured on Tech Unlimited.
Apple announced today its intention to roll out the new TV Plus app on a range of smart TVs including Sony, Samsung, LG, Roku and Fire.
Apple announced today its new video content service for the company's devices and smart TVs from other companies, including Samsung, Sony, LG, Roku, Fire and Vizi, and will also be available on Mac .
This new service is based on monthly subscriptions. Apple has decided to focus on deploying the new video content service rather than just devices. Apple hopes to be successful with this new service and expand to different regions.
Apple has not yet identified the versions that will support its new Apple TV Plus app, but Apple has confirmed that the app would initially be available on Samsung devices and that it would be launched for the first time. 39 other devices this spring.
Apple has also confirmed that the new application would feature a distinctive technology bringing content and favorite user channels early, and that a user-specific password would be available to view its content. .
This Apple theme is about to push the TV Plus app for Roku and Fire devices among the other devices featured on Tech Unlimited.
This article "Apple is preparing to use the TV Plus application for Roku and Fire devices, among others", which comes from the site of MSN Saudi Arabia and does not reflect in any way the site policy or point of view. MSN Saudi Arabia.
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