The site says that "Apple" Apple is looking to regain its strength in gigantic markets such as China and India, which host a group of major companies in the world of smart phones: Huawei, Samsung and Xiaomi.
The new model would look like the 4.7 inch iPhone 8 released in 2017.
According to Nikkei sources, when it launches next year, it will feature an LCD screen and most of the same components as this year's flagship iPhone.
The April EDN report also indicated that the new iPhone 8, based on SE, is expected to be commercialized in early 2020 and equipped with an LCD screen. He added details such as a single-lens back camera and a 128GB storage.
This article "Apple plans to launch the iPhone SE2 next year", adapted from the site (Alwasila), and in no way reflects the site's policy or the user's point of view, but the responsibility for the news or its accuracy rests on the source of the actuality of origin.
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