Approval of regulations and regulations for the transport of goods by truck and work after 3 months


Al-Hayat newspaper said that regulations and regulations for the transport of goods and freight brokers and leasing of trucks on the roads in the Kingdom, which aims to regulate the trucking sector.

According to the newspaper, new regulations will be introduced after 3 months.

The Regulations exempt the transportation of goods by trucks of a total weight of less than 3500 kg or less.

It also excluded the transfer of medical, food, medical and other goods and materials in the event of disaster, emergency and natural disaster, and finally the transfer of goods by trucks belonging to the # 39; army.

and required the necessary license if the entity wishes to transport the goods to the establishments and that the minimum number of freight vehicles or locomotives required for the transport activity must be provided , but not less than 10 cars or individual locomotives at Kingdom level. For the company directly, or for leasing, as well as insurance for freight vehicles or locomotives.

and stipulated that companies wishing to transport postal parcels had to obtain the license of the competent authority.

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