Arab League Council at Delegate Level Holds 151st Session Tomorrow


Cairo, 26 Jumada II 1440 H corresponding to March 03, 2019 SPA
The 151st session of the Council of the League of Arab States at the level of permanent delegates under the Somali presidency, replacing Sudan, will begin tomorrow at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, at the level of foreign ministers, next Wednesday (March 6th).
The Under-Secretary-General of the Office of the Secretary-General, Ambassador Hossam Zaki, said in his statement today that the draft agenda included a number of issues relating to the following issues: common political, economic, social, cultural and security activities in Arab countries. The report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the Secretariat and the procedures for the implementation of Council resolutions between the two sessions 150-151, as well as the draft agenda of the Council of the League of Arab States convened at the summit of its regular session30, to be held in Tunis at the end of the current month.
The agenda includes several points on the Palestinian issue, the Arab-Israeli conflict, solidarity with Lebanon, the evolution of the situation in Syria, the evolution of the situation in Libya, the The situation in Yemen, the occupation of the three islands of the Emirates by Iran and a unified Arab position on the violation of Iraqi sovereignty by Turkish forces. Development in Sudan, support for Somalia, support for United Moon and peaceful resolution of the Djibouti-Eritrean border dispute.
The agenda also includes Iranian interventions in the internal affairs of Arab countries, the dangers of Israeli armaments on Arab national security, Arab relations with regional and international groups, a number of issues social and cultural issues, legal affairs and human rights issues and the proposal of Saudi Arabia to merge the two Arab summits. And Arab development (economic and social in one summit).
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