Arab League Council welcomes Bashir's declaration of peace and stability, 2019



Posted in:
Monday, March 4, 2019 – 8:41 pm
| Last update:
Monday, March 4, 2019 – 8:41 pm

The Arab League Council on Monday welcomed the announcement by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir of the year 2019 of peace and stability in Sudan and welcomed the efforts of the Sudanese government to promote peace, peace and security. security and stability in the country.

In a resolution issued today at the end of its deliberations, the Council of the League of Arab States affirmed its total solidarity with the Sudan in order to preserve its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and to refuse to accept the rule of law. interference in his internal affairs.

Sudan's Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdelmahmood Abdel Halim, and his Permanent Representative to the League of Arab States, said in a statement to reporters that the decision will be presented at the meeting of Arab foreign ministers Wednesday to adopt it.

The resolution calls on the United States to remove Sudan's name from the list of sponsoring states, highlighting the efforts of the Sudanese parliament in Sudan.

The resolution calls on Member States and Arab funds to cooperate with Sudan in support of its external debt reduction efforts, as well as the acceleration of preparations for an Arab conference to support development and development efforts. reconstruction in Sudan. The resolution appreciated Sudan's efforts to combat illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings and welcomed a large number of refugees from neighboring countries.

The resolution calls for the implementation of the initiative of President Omar al-Bashir for food security in the Arab countries and the development of plans in this area through the executive mechanism approved by the Summit Arabic of 2017.

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