"Arab NATO" against Iran with the help of America. Is it time for a military strike? | DW News


US and Arab officials said that the administration of President Donald Trump was going ahead in order to form a new political and security alliance with the Gulf countries, Egypt and Jordan to counter Iranian expansion in the region. The White House wants to strengthen cooperation with these countries on missile defense, military training, the fight against terrorism and other issues such as support for regional economic and diplomatic relations

"NATO Arab "

The plan to form what he described White House and Middle East officials with an Arab version of NATO, or "Arab NATO" Sunni Muslim allies , would probably increase tensions between the United States and the Shiite power of Iran

. Coalition, which was temporarily called A spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House said: "The strategic alliance of the Middle East will be a bulwark against aggression, terrorism and terrorism. Iranian extremism and establish peace in the Middle East. "

And the Arabs. One of the biggest hurdles to the planned alliance is the 13-month boycott of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt of Qatar, which houses the largest US air base in the region. "The Americans and their regional allies fuel tensions in the region under the pretext of ensuring stability in the Middle East," a senior Iranian official told Reuters. “/>

US President, Saudi King, and Egyptian President at the opening of the counterterrorism center during Trump's visit to Riyadh in May 2017

America does not seek to change the Iranian regime ["LesEtats-Unisn'ontpasadoptéunepolitiquedechangementderégimeenIranoul'ontpousséàs'collapse"adéclarélesecrétaireaméricainàlaDéfenseJamesMatissevendredi(26juillet2018)auPentagone"L'objectifestdechangerlecomportementdel'IranauMoyen-OrientNousvoulonsqu'ilschangentleurcomportementencequiconcerneuncertainnombredemenacesqueleurarméeleursrenseignementsleursreprésentantsetleursmandatairespourraientleurinfliger"adéclaréMattisEntrel'Iranetlespuissancesmondialesl'establishmentreligieuxenIranestsouslapressionconstantedesAméricainsUnreportagedesmédiasaustraliensadéclaréqu'uneactionmilitairecontrel'IranétaitimminenteaffirmantquelesofficielsaustralienspensaientqueWashingtonétaitprêtàboHesaidonFridaythereportwas"fictitious"Hetoldreporters"I'mconfidentthisisnotaresearchissueyet"


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