Arab summit in Sharm el-Sheikh International agreement against terrorism


The Arab-European Summit, to be held on 24 and 25 February in Sharm el-Sheikh, represents a qualitative leap in the international vision agreement on the common confrontation of the expansion of groups and elements of terrorism.

The Observatory said in a statement that this historic summit would reveal the extent of Arab-European rapprochement on common challenges and aspirations in the economic, social and security fields, and would benefit from deep historical and cultural ties, as well as geographical proximity between Arab and European countries.

The growing threat and common challenges created by international terrorism and extremism, which are facing the Arab world and Europe, make the two sides united against terrorism, said the Observatory in his report.

The Observatory noted in its report that the League of Arab States and the European Union are committed to the declaration of a global war on terrorism, jointly supporting the efforts of the global coalition against Da'l adh, by launching a joint strategic dialogue and forming working groups to combat terrorism and organized crime.

The Observatory stressed that the level of representation and the size of the delegations of the Arab and European countries participating in the Summit illustrate the success of the Egyptian State in regaining its status and leadership on the regional and international scene. The convening of the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit in Sinai sends an effective message to the world about Egypt's efforts. Sure of its ability to extend security throughout its territory.

Finally, the Observatory welcomed the efforts of the Egyptian diplomacy and the League of Arab States to prepare the summit, which will address the most important issues, namely the fight against terrorism and migration, as well as peace process in the Middle East, as well as the situation in Syria, Yemen and Libya. .

Source: The voice of the nation

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