Aramco Johns Hopkins Health Center


Johns Hopkins Health Center Aramco announced on its website that health and administrative jobs are available for Saudi and expatriate graduates, graduates, masters and doctorates in various disciplines, in branches located in the provinces of Eastern Province.

The Center emphasized that the available jobs are:

. Neurologist.

. Business Analyst – Planning.

. Technical Analyst – Information Technology.

. Laboratory Assistant – Chemistry.

. Pharmacist

. Senior Patient Safety Coordinator.

. Technician in photography.

. Specialist in medical engineering.

. Imaging Technician – Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

The Center explained that the application was available on its website from 7 August 2019.

To apply and obtain more details on the conditions of advertised jobs, please consult the following link:

This article "Vacancies in the field of health and administration at the Johns Hopkins Aramco Health Center" is an adaptation of Diary Network and does not reflect in any way the policy or perspective of the site.

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