Asarti meets Saad Samir .. A conference with 15 Ahly players


Martin Laharti, Al Ahly's technical director, held a special session with defender Samir Samir on the sidelines of the team currently on the field.

Lasarti gave Saad Samir several tips during the private session which lasted about 5 minutes.

Lazzarti also met the players during Tuesday morning's game at Tch Stadium on the island for 15 minutes during which he talked about the match between Al-Saoura (Algeria) and Al-Baraj Al-Arab in the sixth African Champions League round.

Lazzarti is focused on his players at today 's meeting, stressing the need to focus on the coming period to avoid the inconvenience and win the Algerian Saoura match. to qualify for the quarter-finals of the tournament.

The club's first football team resumed training this morning at Tch Stadium on the island after the players' negative rest Monday.

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