The researchers discovered that "aspirin", a common painkiller, is the largest contagious killer in the world, "tuberculosis".
Researchers at the Sydney Centennial Institute have discovered that the tuberculosis bacterium detects platelets in the body's clotting system to weaken the immune system.
Senior researcher Elinor Hortel, a researcher at Centenary in Australia, said our study provided more important evidence that widely available aspirin could be used to treat patients with severe TB and save lives.
The researchers said that treating the anti-platelet infection, including aspirin, could allow the body to better control the infection, as shown by the results of the study. 39; study.
"This is the first time that platelets have been shown to increase tuberculosis in an animal model, which opens up the possibility of using antiplatelet drugs to help the immune system fight drug-resistant TB."
According to the World Health Organization, tuberculosis is one of the top ten leading causes of death in the world, with nearly 10 million people infected with TB in 2017 and 1.6 million people dead after the illness.
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