Astronomers accidentally discovered a new galaxy 11 billion light years from Earth


Astronomers have accidentally discovered a new galaxy 11 billion light years from Earth, thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope.

Astronomers were looking at another cluster of galaxies called SDSS J223010.47-081017.8, which they discovered to be what they thought was a perfect reflection of the galaxy and its companion.

This discovery was made due to the gravitational lens that was first predicted by Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

This happens when a large object, such as a cluster of galaxies, creates a gravitational field that distorts and amplifies the light of the galaxies behind it, but at the same time, NASA.

The effect is similar to that seen in a magnifying glass and allows researchers to discover the first galaxies that have never been seen before using modern technology.

Using Hubble, astronomers discovered a new galaxy 11 billion light years away. They looked at the SDSS galaxy J223010.47-081017.8 and saw the exact reflection of the galaxy and its companion.

“We were very shocked,” said Timothy Hamilton, astronomer at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio. a report.

The reflected images are now referred to as Hamilton’s subject, after Hamilton.

“My first thought was that they could contact galaxies with clean, outstretched hands,” Hamilton added. “It’s not quite right, but I don’t know what to think either.”

Hubble looked at the cores of active galaxies called quasars, which appeared to be a reflection of one of two bright images.

Hubble looked at the nuclei of active galaxies called quasars, which appeared to be a reflection of one of two bright images.

“Consider the rippled surface of a swimming pool on a sunny day and show patterns of bright light at the bottom of the pool,” Richard Griffiths, lead author of the study, said in a statement.

These light patterns below are caused by an effect similar to gravitational lenses. The ripples on the surface act as partial lenses and focus the sunlight on the bright sailing patterns below.

The double object with a strange object nearby looked like galactic protuberances.

It was determined that the linear objects were in fact rectangular images of distant galaxies.

The gravitational lens was predicted by Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Einstein’s theory was demonstrated in July, when scientists were the first to see the light behind a black hole.

What is a gravitational lens?

Gravitational lensing occurs when light emitted from a distant galaxy is reflected from a large galaxy or galaxy.

This creates a very magnified image.

This is because massive objects bend in the space around them and light moves in a different direction.

This theory was first proposed by Einstein in his theory of general relativity.

The gravitational lens was predicted by Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Einstein’s theory was demonstrated in July, when scientists were able to see light for the first time behind a black hole.

This phenomenon is caused by the attraction of dense dark matter, which makes up most of the mass of the universe.

Scientists can’t (yet) see the dark object, but when light from a distant galaxy comes out of the cluster, it forms two glassy images and a third.

“This gravitational lens is very different from most lenses Hubble has read before, especially in the Hubble Frontier Fields cluster survey,” Griffiths explained.

You don’t have to look at these groups for a long time to find multiple lenses. In that sense, that’s the only goal we have. We didn’t know the group at the start. “

Jenny Wagner, an expert in gravitational lenses at the University of Heidelberg, and Nicolas Desr, another expert in gravitational lenses, have developed a program to understand these unique lenses and show that the dark color around the stretched images must be “evenly distributed” .

“It’s great that we only need two images of glass to measure how bitter or dark the material is under these conditions,” Wagner said.

“Here, we don’t use any lens model. We can take notes from multiple photos and share them with each other. By our method, it can be folded together. This actually gives us an idea of ​​how smooth dark matter is in these two phases. ”

However, Griffiths notes that 100 years after its discovery, dark matter remains a mystery.

We know it’s kind of a thing, but we don’t know what this particle is. So we have no idea how he will act. We know that it has mass and that it is subject to gravity.

The importance of size limits in relation to chunks or softness gives us some clues as to what a particle is.

The smaller the dark matter, the larger the particles must be. “

This study was recently published in the monthly announcements of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Scientists study the atmosphere of distant aliens using large space satellites such as Hubble

Distant stars and orbiting planets often have different conditions than anything we see in our atmosphere.

To understand this new world and its components, scientists must find out what is in their atmosphere.

They often do this with a telescope similar to NASA’s Hubble Telescope.

These giant satellites scan the skies and trap aliens that NASA says could be of interest.

Here, the on-board sensors perform various analyzes.

One of the most important and effective is called absorption spectrum.

This analysis measures the light emitted by the planet’s atmosphere.

Each gas absorbs a slightly different wavelength of light, which in turn causes a black line to appear at a full angle.

These lines correspond to a specific molecule, indicating its presence on the planet.

They are often referred to as the Fraunhofer lines, named after the German astronomer and physicist who first discovered them in 1814.

By combining different wavelengths of light, scientists can identify all of the chemicals that make up the planet’s atmosphere.

The main thing is that the lost provide clues to find the present.

Since the Earth’s atmosphere interferes, it is very important that this be done using space telescopes.

The absorption of chemicals in the atmosphere will deflect the sample, which is why it is important to study it before light has a chance to reach Earth.

It is often used to search for helium, sodium and oxygen in exotic atmospheres.

This diagram shows light passing from a star and through the atmosphere of an alien object forming the Fraunhofer lines, indicating the presence of vital compounds such as sodium or helium.

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