Aviation Minister Inspects Watchtowers and Discusses Preparations for Hajj Season


The Minister of Civil Aviation, Younis El Masry, inspected the Seasonal Flight Building, Terminal 2, the National Air Navigation Services Company and the Control Tower to monitor the work of the navigation system at Cairo International Airport. At Cairo International Airport for travel to and from Jeddah and Madinah, and promptly asked the Minister of Aviation all preparations for the Hajj season, also inspected the work in the new terminal. ° 2 for the flights of the Arab and foreign airlines and ensures the regularity of the flights.

The Minister of Civil Aviation inspected the National Company of Air Navigation Services and the air traffic control tower in its various sections, including the unit of the airport tower Cairo, the equipment rooms and the control unit. Control Center ", which is the final guide for the departure and tracking of aircraft from Egyptian airspace, and inspect the headquarters of the National Air Navigation Services Company and the satellite station and the radars and the control room of the navigation. The air traffic service coordinated with the control tower, the company's administrative building, the training rooms, the conference rooms and the language laboratory to meet the employees of the air observers, engineers and administrators. {
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