Avoid them better for your life .. Bad habits that affect the safety of your body


Of course, there are dozens of bad habits that men commit daily and are directly responsible for the deterioration of their health in the medium and long term. We can not exaggerate if we say so too. Bacteria and microbes are not the only causes of the deterioration of human health in general, They very strongly affect the integrity of the body and mind, without even being observed and act negatively in silence for weaken the body.

Because the many harmful habits of health and body are numerous, the following report will highlight the worst habits of millions of people and pose a threat to public health, according to the magazine "Man".

1 – lack of sleep

One of the most common misconceptions among humans today, whether for work or study, lack of sleep and lack of access to periods ranging from 7 to 8 hours of sleep during the night, habits that have serious consequences for the very dangerous effects on health, as well as fluctuations in mood and feelings. Overweight and Lack of Concentration Poor sleep usually leads to muscle weakness, increased susceptibility to injury and a weakened immune system, making people more vulnerable to infections and illness.

2 – generally carry heavy weights inside the gymnasium without having a physical structure ready to support the mass of these weights or used to carrying heavy objects, either during household chores or for those who work to wear objects and heavy weights of bad habits that work in silence and in all the extent And the fact that it is dangerous to carry heavy weights permanently, especially if it happens wrong, can cartilage slipping and loss of ability to walk or move.

3 – generally eating disorder

Among the types of eating disorders that are part of the bad habits of pathogenic diseases, there is the fact of continuing to eat even after the feeling of satiety, or as some call it emotional eating disorder.

Obesity is not considered one of the most serious negative consequences of eating disorders, but heart disease, diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases are also common causes of this type of disorders .

4. Resting the bad rest Rest periods are important for the body, but excessive agitation, which is tantamount to laziness, is considered a fault that destroys the general health of the body, its muscular strength, its growth and its stiffness due to lack of movement and physical exertion.

In addition to the physical effects, there are also mental effects associated with excessive laziness and rest, such as stress, anxiety and headaches.

5 – generally neglect the bad breakfast

The pressure of life and the acceleration of the pace of life or the loss of the feeling of wanting to eat in the morning is forcing millions of people to eat a healthy and balanced breakfast of carbohydrates and protein at the level of fat that is useful to everyone. days, either before exercise or at work, according to the researchers. This directly prevents the person from controlling appetite and calorie consumption, which increases the risk of obesity and illness.

6 – usually eat wrong junk food

The bad habits of the nutrition system are many and many, especially among these, that of eating a fast food containing a high percentage of sugars and preservatives, as well as hydrogenated fats repeatedly during of the week, because of the high risk of diabetes and high cholesterol, as well as problems and illnesses. The heart and arteriosclerosis certainly present obesity and a significant accumulation of fat in the body.

7- The habit of smoking is harmful

It is normal to smoke in all its forms and in the most serious habits, because this habit is related to the loss of human health in all respects, that it is about the appearance of early aging symptoms or muscle loss and physical ability to physical exertion, as well as many diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Respiratory diseases and high probability of death at an early age.

8. eat fast

Whether for athletes or other people, it is necessary to quickly eat bad habits that directly and negatively affect the health and safety of the digestive system, because the fact of neglecting to chew food ideally increases the pressure on the stomach during the process of digestion, which exposes the person to the infection of gases, swellings and acidity of different intensity. This can sometimes cause a loss of sleep.

9 – usually take pain relievers

Many people have a false and dangerous idea of ​​the importance of taking painkillers, which were created from the outset to relieve severe pain cases that exceed the potential of human beings. Unfortunately, many painkillers consume different types of pain when they experience some degree of pain and pain, even those who suffer from it. They can be tolerated without being aware of the risk that analgesics will affect vital organs, they can cause kidney failure and kidney failure in the medium and long term.

10 – the habits of a bad technology

The excessive use of technology is a misconception generating many diseases such as increased risk of stroke, obesity, heart disease and eye diseases. Although advanced technology is designed to facilitate human life, its over-dependence weakens physical and mental abilities. From the man.

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