Bahraini footballer Hakim Oreibi wins Australian citizenship


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Oreibi says that he feels safe now

Bahraini footballer Hakim Oreibi obtained Australian nationality at a special ceremony in Melbourne.

The Bahraini authorities accused Ureybi of sabotaging a police station during the 2011 popular uprising.

He escaped from Bahrain in 2014, where he got asylum in Australia. But he was arrested in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand last year, while spending his honeymoon and staying in detention for two months.

His detention provoked a wave of anger around the world and many people joined him.

Oreibi obtained Australian citizenship with 200 other people after passing a citizenship test. Prime Minister Scott Morrison attended the ceremony.

Oreibi plays for Melbourne Pisco. His arrest took place in Bangkok on the basis of a mandate from Interpol at the request of the Bahraini Government. He was released under international pressure after 67 days.

Hundreds of people have welcomed him at Melbourne Airport on his return to Australia last month.

Former Australian footballer Craig Foster led the campaign for the release of Oreibi.

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