Be careful .. Neglecting your teeth can happen to you in "intensive care". In these cases, the electronic journal


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Dr. Osama Ahmed stated that dental negligence resulted in the spread of infection in the tissues of the face, neck and jaw, thereby aggravating the narrowing of the airways, emphasizing that the deterioration of the health of the The patient was located on the ground at variable speeds. She was treated in dozens of cases and suffered from high inflation, accumulated pus in the neck area and breathing difficulties, which was transferred to the operating theaters. According to "homeland"
Make the situation worse

He warned against the development of cases that do not cure cavities because it causes abscesses and lesions around the tooth and inside the bones and regions of the jaw. Being due to daily neglect of cleanliness, neglect of early examination and treatment.

Periodic review
Osama explained that we had registered cases diagnosed under the name (caused by a single tooth and a toothpick only) or (incomplete dental treatment until the end), pointing out that it was possible to cure this Toothpaste at the lowest cost, without making matters worse, as there were undetected cases without taking periodic rays for examination, and to ensure the safety of the teeth and jaw.

Incurable cases
"We can not control these cases except under general anesthesia," he said. "We can control these cases only under general anesthesia, and this information can be transferred to the hospital, ignoring many things, which makes him lazy and puts his hand on his teeth."

The importance of consciousness
Osama emphasized the importance of educating dentists at social networking sites, communicating appropriate prevention and treatment methods, and knowing the importance of the community in maintaining healthy teeth. Recent research has been shown to be closely related to the health of the body, blood vessels and nerves in the rest of the body.

Reasons why patients enter intensive care

Tooth decay
Bleeding gums and inflammation
Persistent inflammation
The movement of teeth causing the accumulation of pus
Abscess and nerve damage and more persistent

The dental treatment is complete

1 – clean the teeth periodically every 4-6 months
2 – treatment of all caries and damaged teeth
3. Never leave any age open and treatment
4 – Put the necessary coatings for nerve treated teeth
5 – Removal of damaged teeth and root remains
6. Implantation of missing essential teeth
7. Follow up

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