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Many people resort to alternatives Sugar In order to avoid consuming a lot of caloriesHowever, some experts consider this behavior as a "healthy illusion".
In detail, "artificial sweeteners" are not without risks and some species contain a significant proportion, such as black sugar and aloe vera syrup.
The production of black sugar is based on the juice extracted from sugar cane.
The sugar content of Aloe Vera is 70% and it contains 1.5 times more calories than normal sugar.
Some people prefer aloe vera because it contains fructose, a better ingredient than glycose, which increases the level of human blood sugar.
Too much of this drink can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetes, as well as high blood pressure and dyslipidemia.
In the same order of ideas, 90% of the components of black sugar are sugar, which shows that it is not an ideal alternative.
Lee Seung-un, a researcher at Chungang University, believes that excessive consumption of sugar is harmful to human health, regardless of its origin. "It is fruit or honey, you must eat it in moderation" not to disturb your health. .
Source of the image: Storyblocks
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