Because of sleep disordered breathing, thousands of children in France suffer from learning difficulties


A group of doctors in France campaigned on sleep disorders in children. Thousands of children in France have learning difficulties, in which sleep problems play a role.

Causes of learning difficulties include sleep disorders, a treatable condition.

While most people are aware of the risk of sleep disorders in adults, this is not the case in children.

The group called French doctors to establish links with local professionals to facilitate the care of children infected by parents and reduce treatment costs, according to the French newspaper Le Monde.

"Sleep is necessary for learning, especially for young people," said one of the group members, neurologist Stanislas Dehein, a professor at the College de France and head of the National Council of National Education.

Doctors say that the disease is not uncommon, with at least 5% of children moderately to severely, and fear an increase in this number due to the proliferation of risk factors that increase in French society.

However, some of these factors can be avoided, such as passive smoking, poor nutrition and an urban lifestyle leading to weight gain and nasal obstruction. With respect to other factors, they should be examined early to ensure that the child is not infected with tonsillitis, or that the disease is of genetic origin, or that asthma and allergies are associated with air pollution.

Currently, because of screening dependency, it is exacerbated in children with respiratory disorders and only a small number of children with these disorders are screened and treated.

As a result, physicians have called for prompt and multidisciplinary care for those affected, early snoring, gentle training, sensitivity and much needed surgery, orthodontics, nasal breathing rehabilitation. , nutritional and psychological support in case of overweight.

But all of this may take time and the key is to promote learning and reduce absenteeism; this group of doctors has called for making sleep disorders a major national issue.

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