Before the launch, March 16th. 8 Information on the Arab Water Council


Samar Samir

Posted in:
Sunday March 3rd 2019 – 14:01
| Last update:
Sunday March 3rd 2019 – 14:01

The meetings of the General Assembly of the Arab Water Council will be held in Cairo on March 16, with the participation of representatives from 25 Arab countries to discuss a number of key themes and issues. sub-themes of the action plan of the Arab Water Council, in line with the priorities and recommendations adopted by the Fourth Arab Water Forum. And preparing for the organization of the Fifth Arab Water Forum.

In the next report, Al Shorouk reviews the most important information about the Arab Water Council.

1. The Arab Water Council was established on 14 April 2004 as an independent regional non-profit organization to carry out its activities at the regional and international levels.

2 – The seat of the General Assembly of the Arab Water Council is the Arab Republic of Egypt, in accordance with the headquarters agreement signed in February 2009 between the Egyptian Government and the Council .

3. In December 2009, the Assembly adopted the Constitution and the Statute of the Council as legal documents defining the working mechanism of the Council.

4. The objective of the Society is to better understand and better manage water resources by providing effective and practical services to citizens in water management, knowledge dissemination, data exchange and practical exchange of information. experience, integrated management of water resources for sustainable development and good governance of water for the Arab peoples.

5. The new round of elections (2019-2021) comprises 45 seats, of which 20 will be directly elected, and 22 seats will be appointed according to their designation by their governments and their official authorities in the Arab countries.

6. The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Mr. Mohamed Abdel Aati, several Arab ministers, more than 400 members of the Council, representatives of governments Arabs, ambassadors, representatives of diplomatic missions in Cairo, representatives of regional and international organizations. Civil society, civil society organizations, public figures, writers, intellectuals and media professionals.

7. The members of the Board of Governors will participate in the development of the Council's strategies and action plan for the next three years (2019-2021) through three working groups, know the Task Force on Member Activation, Revitalization of Membership and Sustainable Funding of Council Activities and Programs and the Task Force on the Development and Implementation of Programs and Activities . Technical council and working group in charge of the preparation of forums and conferences.

The first session will examine indicators of the state of water in the Arab region and its relationship to sustainable development, the second on the use of modern technologies and remote sensing techniques in water management. water resources, while the third session will discuss the main results of the International Hydrological Program for Groundwater and their Zones in cooperation with UNESCO.

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